News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

中國律師從業困難重重: 張思之先生是中國律師界泰斗。他見證了四九年後中國律師制度的產生、覆滅以及恢愎與發展,辦理了多起有歷史影響的重大案件,如林彪四人幫案,魏京生案,王軍濤案等。數十年浸潤其間,對中國律師制度的認識非常深刻,訪問時感慨良多。
俄國革命成功後的共妻: 深入研究布爾什維克革命史的史學家指出︰在共產理論中,不僅財產公有,而且寫明了家庭必將消亡、一夫一妻制是私有制的產物。共產制度就是要消滅建築在私有制上的婚姻和家庭。
Throwing Off China: In Toshikata’s rendering, stalwart Japanese soldiers with a huge “Rising Sun” military flag in their midst advance against a Chinese force in utter disarray. Can we trust the veracity of this artistic rendering? Surely we can, for on the right-hand side of Toshikata’s print we see a delegation of Japanese “newspaper correspondents” that includes at its head not one but two artists, identified by name. Depictions such as this very print, Toshikata seems to be assuring his audience—and right at the start of the war—could be trusted to be accurate. The overwhelming majority of war prints were, in fact, nothing of the sort. ...In these circumstances, prints often simply “quoted” other prints. In early November 1894, for example, Toshikata’s colleague Watanabe Nobukazu produced a rendering of “Our Forces’ Great Victory and Occupation of Jiuliancheng” that bore close resemblance to Toshikata’s “Hurrah, Hurrah” of over three months earlier. Disciplined soldiers looked down from on high, other troops advancing below them. The same military flag fluttered in the same right hand panel of the triptych; a bent and gnarled pine, so beloved in Japanese art, was again rooted in the center of the image; the foe retreated in the far distance. Biff- Well-worth visiting this site for its large mpegs of 19th century Japanese woodblock prints.
齊芳罷官 (Qi Fang removed from office) : The thing I found interesting is that she claimed that she was unwilling to accept the level of personal control the pagent organizers were planning on exerting over her.  齊芳今天表示,“在 合同 內容中,出現了很多讓我很驚訝的條款。如:要求我將所有的親友名單及聯絡方式、背景、住址告訴他們;讓我在每天的24小時內,隨時聽候總部的調遣;安排助 理全天跟隨,包括會見親友、包括談戀愛,都有在場;給任何人通電話,都要告訴助理對方是什麼人,且通話時,不得避開助理;同時,必須接受該助理和我住在同 一間房間。” Biff- Worth reading the original chinese article. If nothing else, I have to respect the chutzpah I've seen repeatedly in China, something critically lacking in Taiwan outside of waishengren, aboriginal, and mafia circles. Imagine having to live with the following constraints for a full year: 從齊芳向記者出示的“有關年度環球中國小姐合同期間的規章制度”中,可以看到以下條款:“在一年合同期間,除中國總部同意的正常應酬必須晚回居住地外,環球中國小姐每晚必須不晚於22點回到合同酒店或公寓。”“在一年合同期間,中國總部派出一名工作人員協助環球中國小姐工作,為工作方便及安全起見,該工作人員與環球中國小姐居住同一客房,並同進同出,包括外出、吃飯等所有活動。”“為了中國總部的責任及對環球中國小姐安全起見,在中國總部詢問時,環球中國小姐必須向中國總部如實彙報在合同期間所聯繫的所有社會關係,包括親屬、朋友、同學等名稱、聯絡方式等。”“在一年合同期間,環球中國小姐不得私自外出,所有未經中國總部安排的任何事宜均不許私自接洽。”
Menzies Continued : Far from being “burdened with the doctrinaire belief that ‘no Chinese Map of the World could possibly exist,’” I think I can speak for most of my colleagues in the field of Chinese history when I say that a). scholars have a full appreciation of the development of Chinese science and technology before the modern era, and b). historians of China would be, in principle, delighted to discover conclusive evidence that Ming voyages reached America (what scholar doesn’t take pride in the achievements of the place and time they study?). Biff- My fifty cents worth is that Gavin Menzies is talking out of his backside. Too bad. But that's the problem right there isn't it? Wishful thinking that the impossible could just possibly, maybe, improbably be true. Which is what led me to waste a few quid and subsidize his fantasies (and mine). Fools leap where angels fear to tread.

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