News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

孫文與中國百年憲政的教訓(二)孫文的道路︰從民主走向獨裁 - 反中央集權和反國有化的地方主義運動,辛亥革命在全國得到廣泛響應,13省相繼宣布獨立。此時黃興趕到武昌,就任革命軍戰時總司令。而孫文正顛沛流離,在科華拉多州的一家華人餐館洗盤子。 孫文的十大革命,依靠的基本上是黑社會暴動。
棒球真的是台灣的「國球」? : 最高紀錄有超過400萬人在電視機前一起加油,因此說棒球不是台灣人的最愛,又好像有點不切實際。然而,放眼職棒賽的觀眾席(票價和看場電影差不多),除了周休假期外,球迷總是稀稀落落,轉播平均收視率0.5%,也遠低於綜藝或戲劇節目,不禁令人懷疑那399萬7000人跑到哪裡去了?(職棒去年平均票房約3000人左右)
太石村的中國農村民主力量 :太石村事件有兩個意義。一個意義是啟動了中國農村法治民主變革的新路徑;另外一個角度來看,它強化了中國和平轉型的可能性,使官民雙方良性互動成為一種可能,就是在雙方不斷變化的控制方式和抗爭方式過程當中,在各種變數雲集的情況下,仍然可能開拓出一個和平轉型的路徑。
Bio-engineered bladders successful in patients: ...while scientists have had success with skin transplants grown on scaffolds in the past, this is the first time they have grown and transplanted a discrete, complex organ.
AFRICA: China's great leap into the continent: "I don't know what we would do without the Chinese," said Chinembiri, "Finally, now there are things we can afford." Biff- Sounds like a description of Wal-Mart. Oops! I forgot that selling cheap products the poor can afford is bad for the community...
Labor Shortage in China May Lead to Trade Shift: When sporadic labor shortages first appeared in late 2004, government leaders dismissed them as short-lived anomalies. But they now say the problem is likely to be a more persistent one. Experts say the shortages are arising primarily because China's economy is sizzling hot, tax cuts have helped keep people working on farms, and factories are continuing to expand even as the number of young Chinese starts to level off.
《中国「六四」真相》 : Biff- The Tianmen Papers in Mandarin
Japanese flock to China for organ transplants: He was astonished by just how easy it was. Ten days after contacting a Japanese broker in China in February, he was lying on an operating table in a Shanghai hospital receiving a new kidney. A doctor had only examined him that morning. "It was so fast I was scared," he said. The "donor" was an executed man, the price 6.8 million yen (about US$80,000).
Uneasy lies the crown in Myanmar: Than Shwe, the SPDC's top general, is systematically resurrecting the symbols and rituals of Myanmar's royal history to lend legitimacy to his regime's right to rule. And there are emerging indications that he intends to anoint himself as the country's new monarch - more than 120 years after British India annexed and dissolved the Awa royal dynasty.
The white peril: “HEAVEN help China,” said a front-page headline last December in China Industry News, a normally staid state-owned daily paper. For four months, the newspaper had been running a series of reports into takeovers of Chinese machine manufacturers by foreign companies.
Mike Tyson pays respects to Mao: "I felt really insignificant next to Chairman Mao's remains," he was quoted by a Chinese daily as saying.

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