News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

1997 Pulitzer Prize in the category of Medicine: AIDS Fight Is Skewed By Federal Campaign Exaggerating Risks - Most Heterosexuals Face Scant Peril but Receive Large Portion of Funds--Less Goes to Gays, Addicts
3. How long have you been in Iraq?
Since September 17th, 2005. Basically four and a half months.
4. Now that you've been deployed to Iraq, do you feel differently about being in the military?
5. If so, how?
I have a different perspective of life and what is most important to me. I will not re-enlist and I hope to never be away from my husband again in these kind of conditions. I fear for his life everyday. We are both deployed. We are relatively close so I can see him often but this is something I never want to do again. I have many more reasons but do not feel that I should share them at this point.
19. When you were on leave, did you spend any time looking at mainstream media coverage of Iraq?
No, not at all. Even here in Iraq we get CNN but we choose to turn it off.
20. What did you think of it?
Our reason for that is the media's coverage seems to only portray the bad in everything that we have done over here.
China to Ship Oil Through Mekong Next Month: The bulk of... Middle Eastern oil passes through the Strait of Malacca which, apart from piracy and terrorism concerns, is viewed by Beijing as a potential choke point where rivals can shut down its access to oil and raw materials.
At a Secret Meeting, Chinese Analysts Clashed Over Reforms: Many attendees emphasized that they were alarmed by the resurgence of socialist thinkers critical of the lurch toward capitalism. Some said the governing party would face growing social and political instability unless it established genuine rule of law. ... "Leftists in our society are saying absurd things," Mr. Sun said. "But as elite intellectuals, we cannot deny that they have a solid basis for saying them."
Labor need haunts China: There is much talk of a labor shortage in China. Some bemoan its impact on wages and profit margins. Some see it as proof of the dynamism of the economy, some as a harbinger of declining competitiveness in international markets. Others dismiss it as a largely mythical invention of employers unwilling to offer wage increases that are higher than inflation. ...The picture for skilled labor is very different. The shortages are everywhere and are unlikely to go away soon, posing an obstacle to growth in general and to higher value-added exports in particular. Even the low-end factories need managers and engineers as well as nimble-fingered farm girls.
Stones tracks censored in China: Sir Mick sarcastically said: "I'm pleased that the Ministry of Culture is protecting the morals of the expat bankers and their girlfriends that are going to be coming."
高華:從今日俄羅斯看明日大中華 (二): 四、俄羅斯聯邦治病不需要支付掛號,檢查和治療費用。藥品的費用由國家控制並有高額補助。而在中共統治下的當今中國,無論是城市還是農村,假藥氾濫,醫商勾結,醫院滿天敲詐。普通百姓把到醫院看病形容成「過鬼門關」,連中共高層都承認「看病難」、「看病貴」列為導致社會不穩定的「四大因素」之一。許多退休人員一旦生病就意味著等死,而中共高官則從在位、退休到死都享受著巨額醫療費用和高級藥物和保健系統。
Out Of Control - AIDS and the corruption of medical science: Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, who discovered the revolutionary DNA technique called the polymerase chain reaction, has long been a supporter of Duesberg, but he has grown weary of the AIDS wars and the political attacks on contrarian scientists. "Look, there's no sociological mystery here," he told me. "It's just people's income and position being threatened by the things Peter Duesberg is saying. That's why they're so nasty.

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