News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Anti-US / USFK News and Views from South Korea: The main purpose of this site is to present reviews of Key Moments and Key Issues in the anti-US / USFK culture that is the norm in South Korean society. The effort has been to explain how anti-US activity in Korea is society wide and A Process: A process of keeping an acceptable amount of ill-will against the United States' role or position related to South Korea. Keeping things never too hot --- for fear of generating an anti-Korean backlash in American society, or giving Korea a bad name due to international media coverage, or causing the US government to re-think its commitment to defend Korea but, never too cold either. It is a process of also keeping continual reminders of how the United States is at best A Necessary Evil for Korea. If you look at the drop down menus to the left and read some of those reviews, I believe you will begin to see the tale-tell patterns of the anti-US culture in Korea and how it functions as a social norm --- not some isolated problem with a "radical minority." Biff- Haven't checked it out in detail yet, but sounds fascinating. Morality plays bore me. System analysis. Now that's something potentially useful with application per corollary to China, Canada, the US itself, etc...
One Big, Leaky Basket: South Korea has arrested a Taiwanese man for spying for North Korea. What’s not entirely clear is whether the man was spying for prodigal son Kim Jong Nam, and what JN’s relationship is to North Korea these days:
China curbs foreign news footage: The Chinese government keeps a firm grip on the mediaChina's government has told local TV stations not to use video from foreign sources to produce news bulletins.
Bush's October surprise - it's coming: One hears not an encouraging word about US President George W Bush these days, even from Republican loyalists. Yet I believe that Bush will stage the strongest political comeback of any US politician since Abraham Lincoln won re-election in 1864 in the midst of the American Civil War. ...Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is the sort of villain that Central Casting once sourced for studio film productions in Hollywood. No more than Napoleon Bonaparte could stay away from Russia can Ahmadinejad abandon Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Myanmar woos China, Russia: "It's no accident that China has almost unreservedly backed anyone who becomes the target of US criticism and pressure - like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe," according to an Asian diplomat. "Beijing is operating under the old adage: your enemies' foes must be your friend," he added.
Beijing, the Vatican and the Zen factor: For many priests and bishops, the net result of the normalization of ties with the Vatican would be that they would have to obey both the Holy See and Beijing, whereas now they obey nobody. They would lose all their freedom in the name of the supreme good, the reconciliation of the Vatican with Beijing. People, even priests, might be not that generous. In fact these priests can argue that there are plenty of reasonable grounds for not normalizing ties with Beijing, or for putting a very high price on it.
金正日擬密訪印尼打破孤立: 印尼總統尤多約諾在訪問緬甸之後,將於近期訪問北韓和南韓。北韓邀請印尼參與六方會談以充當「和事老」角色。金正日接受邀請將密訪印尼,是他執掌政權以來首次訪問中國和俄羅斯以外的國家,打破在外交上長期孤立的局面。
美聯印制中啟動新冷戰: 美國加速軍事圍堵中國策略。總統布殊訪問印度,確定向印度提供核子及飛彈技術。美意圖聯印制中,賠上全球核秩序,削弱反恐陣線,加劇南亞的軍備競爭,將亞洲推向新冷戰時代。
Malaysia - Badawi's grand plan: The prime minister's grand plan would have been more impressive still had he taken the opportunity to scrap the expensive positive-discrimination policies, in force since 1970, that aim to help “bumiputra” (Malays and other indigenous races) catch up with Chinese and Indian minorities. ...However, as in post-apartheid South Africa, which adopted a similar “black empowerment” policy, the result has often been “encronyment”, with most benefits going to a well-connected few.

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