News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Black Perspectives on Illegal Immigration: Nor do I buy the "illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans don't do" argument. Who do you think were doing these jobs beforehand? Who do you think often still does them, in areas with few illegal immigrants? Nor do illegal immigrants only do the so-called crappy jobs, but are also in areas like construction. Not to mention the issue of price. Illegal immigrants undermine the wages of low-income black (and other) workers, thus undermining the economic opportunity of lower-income blacks (and others) even further.
Biff- Two interesting takes on some of the present circumstances of the Iraq War/Occupation (both print and mp3 formats available)
Cops torn between Abu, ‘extortionists’ in Sulu blast: The Philippine National Police (PNP) yesterday said the extremist Muslim group Abu Sayyaf was behind the attack on a consumers cooperative center run by Catholic priests in Jolo, Sulu, in the country’s conflict-torn southern Mindanao region, where nine persons were killed the other day. But Jolo police chief Senior Supt. Ahirum Ajirim blamed extortionists for the bombing, the second deadly blast to hit Mindanao this year that came amid tight security and while a few US soldiers were deployed in Jolo for humanitarian missions.
黃廣湘:從劉德華的理智看大陸媒體的病態: 3月22日,西北某家晨報報導了蘭州一個追星女的故事,標題為《女子為見劉德華傾家蕩產.稱見不到他今生不嫁人》,不厭其詳地介紹了一個叫林鵑的女子12年追星歷程,以及其家人如何為她籌措見劉德華的經費而變賣家產,直至債臺高築。
古狗甘當中共的「看家狗」 : 我嘗試搜索自己的名字,那些我在海外發表的一系列政治評論文章的題目都會排列出來,但一旦我去點擊某一篇文章,立即就顯示出「沒有此內容」的答案。更不可思議的是,我再也無法點擊開其他任何內容,也沒有辦法登陸其他的網站,我的電腦頓時處於某種「休克」狀態。我只能重新開機。
This stinks: (scroll down the page) Richard Kreimer is the kind of guy who gives the homeless a bad name. At 56, he is a professional vagrant whose only "job" appears to be camping out in the Amtrak/NJTransit waiting room at Penn Station for five or so hours per night. ...Fifteen years ago, in one of the most ludicrous suits ever, Kreimer was awarded $230,000 from the Morristown, N.J., public library and police department because he had been repeatedly ejected from the library as a public nuisance. ...He has since filed lawsuits against various towns and businesses and transit systems and individuals. Some were dropped, but some were settled, putting more money in his tattered, smelly pockets. Biff- Too funny... I've crashed in a couple of homeless shelters in the US, so I've little sympathy for the notion that the indigent don't have ample resources.
Video of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson,Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, Founder & President. Rev. Peterson discusses black political leaders, what happened in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, and how best to help Americans who need it. Biff- If you think Bill Cosby stirs up some black Americans, wait'll you see Rev. Peterson. He's a trip... Rather than write him off as a caricature, you might want to consider his description of demoralized American blacks (as opposed to Caribbean blacks in the US, who tend to sneer at the American variety), as lacking in character, resolve, self-respect and showing a pronounced incapacity for decision-making and independent thought, with your experience here in China. The simple-minded will shriek racism, the more subtle will look into themselves for similar patterns of behavior and extropolate outwards from this to peer into the minds of others bound by the limitations of other cultures and subcultures and who don't fail singularly, but serially. Unless of course, you too fail serially, in which case you best stick with shrieks of racism.

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