News & opinion on Greater China and the even Greater Beyond: by Biff Cappuccino.

Monday, March 27, 2006

被槍戰射傷的香港媒體: 警殺警案的十發子彈,射穿了香港媒體不專業和充滿豐富想像力的新聞軀體。
環保巨人是利用各種廢棄物組合而成,你看出馬桶在哪兒了嗎? Biff: Taiwan's artistic genius at the fore...
馬反對聯國停繁體字 若與中國協商 建議兩字體並行
Just Because You Eat Shit Doesn’t Make You Better Than Me : I was at dinner the other night with a bunch of friends, mostly new ones. Usually being the only “token white guy” in the crowd, I had competition that night. Another Whinese was at the table. He’d been in China for 1 year and early on started working up the crowd with his ‘Woe shur May Gwow Ren” this and “Woe ai shuay shee Hahn you” that. He conveniently ignored me as he performed, stealing a glance every now and again to ensure he would not be challenged as Alpha-Whinese.
Pentagon stays the course with laser weapon: Airborne Laser given a reprieve — and challenging development schedule - Biff: you can easily imagine at least one application for this weaponry when, and if, it comes on line
The new port deal: U.S. may hand security over to Beijing - The unbelievable news that the Bush administration and U.S. agencies are lining up a deal with Hutchison Whampoa, a company closely connected to the Chinese Communist Party and People's Liberation Army, gave me a jolt. I thought nothing could surprise me, because I expect many of our officials and politicians to do dumb things, knowing all the dumb things they've done before. But this one blew me away. Perhaps it will blow you away too. - Biff: Fer sure, dude.
Harley-Davidson roars into China: "Customers will get a real understanding and appreciation of the Harley-Davidson lifestyle," said David Foley, the company's managing director in China. .. The outlet will also provide services, rider training and events such as organised rides.
Blood on the red carpet: Annie Proulx on how her Brokeback Oscar hopes were dashed by Crash - Biff: An excellent example of a fiction author hopelessly incompetent with the essay format. The two forms are almost mutually exclusive, something most people (including myself until recently) don't realize.

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